Mediation Attorney
in Fairfield County
Mediation is a nonbinding negotiation process used to find a solution to disputes without having to turn to traditional litigation. Through the efforts of an experienced mediator, mediation services aim to facilitate a discussion with the parties to find common ground by way of mutual compromise and reach a resolution.
Mediation is an excellent way to take an amicable approach to dispute resolution. Therefore, the mediator does not make decisions or force a settlement as often happens in a court setting. Parties are in control of the mediation process and decide when and if the case closes.
In all cases handled by SkeltonADR, mediation is a voluntary process. With years of experience leading successful mediation and transformative mediation sessions, Jay Skelton is committed to attaining a favorable outcome for all his clients.

Cases Completed
Mediation attorney Jay Skelton has years of experience reaching agreements and settling disputes through mediation services. His commitment and skills have led him to attain fair results for 220+ clients over the years.
Jay Skelton understands that confidentiality is of paramount importance and vows to maintain the confidentiality of the party communications throughout the case resolution.
The Mediation Process
Mediation is a structured process that entails scheduled meetings and assigns specific roles for all participants. During these sessions, the mediator will guide the parties toward a resolution through joint discussion. This process aims to settle disputes outside the courtroom amicably.

After receiving premediation submissions and meeting privately with the parties, a mediator may schedule a premediation conference. During this session, the mediator, the parties and their attorneys will gather to outline the roles of the participants and demonstrate the mediator’s neutrality. Frequently, other persons associated with the parties or interested in the outcome of the mediation, including the decision-makers, may join the premediation session.
This conference aims to stipulate the premediation instructions, assemble premediation statements and schedule premediation calls and meetings with the parties and/or their counsel. Furthermore, it includes the exchange of documents, witness lists or any other items that may be a stumbling block to a successful mediation resolution.

If An Agreement Is Reached
If an agreement is reached, the parties will prepare and sign a memorandum of understanding setting out the terms of their resolution. At that time, the parties will receive original, signed memorandums of understanding and resolve the case according to their terms.
If The Parties Can’t Reach An Agreement
If the parties cannot resolve the case during mediation, they are free to schedule additional mediation sessions or end the mediation process and proceed forward with their litigation.
Mediation Fees
2-party case
per party, per hour
3-party case
per party, per hour
4 (or more) party
per party, per hour