Transformative Mediation

Conflict Resolution Through Transformative Mediation
in Fairfield County

Jay Skelton’s preferred approach to dispute resolution, whenever possible, is through transformative mediation techniques. Empowerment and recognition are the keys to successful transformative mediation sessions. During this process, the parties are empowered to define their issues and find solutions on their own, all while listening to and understanding the other parties’ points of view. The goal of this technique is to pave the way for an amicable, fair settlement.

In this type of mediation, mediators must be comfortable with negative emotions, even when directed at them. This allows the transformative mediator to help the parties move past negative energy and encourage an empowering and understanding attitude where a resolution is possible.

With years of experience successfully guiding his clients toward successful dispute resolution through ADR techniques, Jay Skelton is the name to know and trust if you are looking for a seasoned mediator in and around Bridgeport, CT.

Cases Completed

Transformative mediator Jay Skelton has a vast wealth of knowledge and experience in resolving conflict through ADR. His commitment, devotion, and fairness are responsible for his success in helping 220+ individuals find amicable resolutions to their disputes over the years.

The Role Of A Transformative Mediator

In the transformative mediation process, the parties focus on communicating with each other in the hope that they will reach new understandings and ultimately make meaningful decisions regarding their disagreements.

The transformative mediator is a neutral, experienced legal expert that seeks out positive interactions between parties, promoting an examination of past events as a way to recognize each other’s standpoints. Their role is to:

  • Explain the concept of mediation and allow the parties to set goals, direct the process and establish ground rules.
  • Empower and encourage party communication and decision-making.
  • Help facilitate the discussion of all issues that are of importance to each party.
  • Understand that strong emotions may be involved in the conflict and that they are an integral part of the process.
  • Encourage the expression of the aforementioned emotions if the parties become stuck in negative communication and reach an impasse.
  • Entrust most of the problem-solving to the participants (the parties are free to pursue alternative options at any time).

When To Use Transformative Mediation

Transformative mediators deposit their trust in the parties and give them the guidelines to successfully attain the best decisions for their own interests. Moreover, mediators help the parties communicate so they can have an ongoing relationship after the mediation if that is what they choose. The focus of these sessions is not to reach a “settlement at all costs” but, rather, to work with the parties to arrive at a mutually beneficial resolution.

Transformative mediation can work for an ample variety of cases, including but not limited to:

Family Disputes

Transformative mediation has been employed in certain family situations, including cases involving the dissolution of a family business. In these instances, the parties are empowered to make decisions, understanding that once the mediation is completed, they can continue to have a familial relationship.

Personal Injury Lawsuits

Take, for example, a personal injury lawsuit; from the plaintiff’s perspective, all insurance adjusters are out to get them. From the insurance company’s perspective, every plaintiff is a greedy fraud.

The goal of transformative mediation is to promote a cordial and comprehensive discussion between those parties, allowing them to reach an agreement that will benefit them without taking their case to a court of law.

Medical Claims

The insurance industry is often wary of insurance fraud; however, not all claims are fraudulent. During a transformative mediation session, the parties will thoroughly explain that the insurance company’s job is to pay only valid claims and that, sometimes, adjusters will question claims that have been submitted.

The central purpose of these talks is to get both sides to a position where they are receptive to seeing the issue from the other side’s perspective, ultimately leading to a dispute resolution. At SkeltonADR, we work to get both sides to make decisions from a place of empowerment, not from weakness or fear.

The Transformative Mediation Process

  1. Jay Skelton always starts the transformative mediation discussion by attempting to determine the party’s objectives for the sessions. This includes uncovering any hidden feelings towards the other parties.
  2. One of the primary jobs of the mediator is to remind the parties of their goal throughout the process or to ask the parties whether their objective has changed.
  3. The process is thoroughly explained to the parties by the transformative mediator, and the outcome of the mediation is entirely within the hands of the parties; no one is forced into any decision or resolution.
  4. In many instances, new issues are uncovered during the mediation and must be resolved before an amicable resolution can be achieved.
  5. As the transformative mediation process takes place, the mediator allows the parties to solve their problems with minimal help. However, they often assist by looking for opportunities for empowerment and/or recognition of one another.
  6. Despite the best efforts at transformative mediation, certain cases will still end up in court. Nevertheless, a vast majority of claims can be resolved through mediation, allowing the parties to effectively discuss these disputes in the future.

Transformative Mediation Fees

2-party case


per party, per hour

3-party case


per party, per hour

4 (or more) party


per party, per hour


If an arbitration hearing was scheduled for two or more days but canceled within 45 hours of the scheduled hearing, then all parties will be responsible for paying the full amount of the arbitrator’s compensation (8 hours/day) for the hearing dates scheduled. The cancellation fee will be allotted equally between each party unless they come to a different agreement.